ALICE Brokerage, workshops & Info-day
Freight Transport & Logistics Topics in Horizon Europe calls 2023-2024
Horizon Europe Calls 2023-2024 were launched in December 2022. Visit the ALICE members Horizon Europe Group.
Over 300 Million € are allocated for calls relevant to ALICE and its members with proposals submission deadlines starting on 30 March 2023 and 18 & 20 April 2023, and then over 2024.
To get an overview of the Work Programmes 2023 – 2024, connect with potential partners, review the current logistics trends, define freight and logistics priorities and prepare recommendations to support shaping R&I programmes an in-person event will take place:
- Brussels, 28th February, Bd Auguste Reyers 80, 1030 – BluePoint
You can find here the detailed Agenda

ALICE Brokerage activities
All ALICE members interested in finding partners or consortiums are encouraged to get engaged in this brokerage event. You may have a look to the to the topics opened:
- CALL TOPICS 2022. Closed
Registration (open event)
Register via the Register button.